A scarlet robin sat on an exposed twig, bathed in a mellow, yellow autumnal light. After a day of torrential rain, the clouds had lifted and so had my spirits. A robin on a low perch, its head moving from side to side, his eyes trained on insects flitting in the kangaroo grass beneath him. Not normally an uncommon sight in the great Tasmanian outdoors. All the same I had been complaining over coffee to a birding friend the previous day that there seemed to be a shortage of … [Read more...] about Storm clouds carry a silver lining
Birdsong at quarry echoes from the past
In and out of Hobart, we follow in the footsteps of the first peoples of Tasmania and those who came after them. The physical shape of these trails have been cut through the landscape over a period of 40,000 years, first by the feet of the Muwinina people and in more recent times the stamping hooves of horses on packhorse trails. And all the while birds found nowhere else on earth have provided the background music for these songlines and laylines. This soundscape is a … [Read more...] about Birdsong at quarry echoes from the past
‘Diamond birds’ find their voice
The song of the spotted pardalote is pinging around the neighbourhoods this month. It’s the same every autumn and winter when these stunning little birds find their voice. The pardalotes’ two-note “ping-ping” or “pee-pee” can be heard from every corner of Hobart, my last encounter with them in the gums at the Dunn St car park in the CBD. Autumn is a good time to learn birdsong simply because there are fewer songs – the migrant songsters have departed for the mainland. In … [Read more...] about ‘Diamond birds’ find their voice
An ancient mariner feeds between the tides
A pied oystercatcher waded through a shallow surf, tip-toeing on spindly legs around sheets of wrack washing ashore. The oystercatcher probed the wet sand under foot, searching for the tiny sea life that lives between the tides. I spied the oystercatcher from Two Tree Point which sits above Adventure Bay on Bruny Island, the blue gums framing a stunning panorama stretching across an azure sea, from golden sands to the hazy outline of Tasman Island on the horizon. This very … [Read more...] about An ancient mariner feeds between the tides
Bird of peace defies Putin’s horror
For centuries, the white stork has been a powerful symbol of peace for the people of Ukraine. Its arrival from Africa this northern spring gives new meaning to the notion that it can shield families from evil spirits, writes Don Knowler Ukrainians looking to the skies for Russian war planes and missiles have instead seen the country’s emotive symbol of peace – the white stork. The storks migrate to Africa each year and this northern spring have arrived back at a time … [Read more...] about Bird of peace defies Putin’s horror