Love is in the air. The John Paul Young song rings in my head every time I see flocks of sulphur-crested cockatoos flying over my home. The cockies are noisy and chatty in flight and when I catch up with them a little later at the Waterworks Reserve the males are showing off their striking yellow crests to females, perched in the upper branches of the stately blue gums. I have always taken the antics of the cocky cockatoos at face value but during the COVID-19 lockdown I … [Read more...] about Cockies find love in the treetops
On The Wing
Passport to birdland
Birdland is a magical place where it’s possible to escape all the pressures and stresses of the environment of the city created and inhabited by one species – humans – and immerse yourself in a less one-dimensional world. Birdland is nowhere in particular, and does not have to be special or noteworthy. It could be in the wildest of wild forest, or in suburbia. It could be a pristine beach, a few hectares of eucalypt woodland, or a neatly manicured city park. It could be a backyard. That’s the magic of birds; they bring beauty and wonder to every corner of the planet, wild or untamed, and my On the Wing writing is their celebration.
‘Boyz’ cause mayhem in the hood
“You’ve really started something,” said my wife, nervously eyeing nine black currawongs, who were in turn eyeing her through the kitchen window. The currawongs were lined up on the windowsill, fixing her with their mad, bright yellow eyes. Two were tapping on the closed window, another pecking at the putty holding the pane in place. It was like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s horror movie of the 1960s, The Birds. My wife soon ended the performance, pulling down the blind. … [Read more...] about ‘Boyz’ cause mayhem in the hood
Lockdown ruffles crows’ feathers
If Australians think the coronavirus lockdown has been tough, spare a thought for the crows. That is the view of one reader who says that a lack of roadkill – caused by reduced traffic on local roads at the height of the pandemic – had resulted in the crows going hungry. The reader phoned to give an account of a vast flock of crows descending on his property at Ouse to fight over the carcass of a single rabbit. He said the flock numbered at least 100 birds. “They were … [Read more...] about Lockdown ruffles crows’ feathers
Moggie menace takes huge toll on birds
Cold, dank and grey, even the birdsong was muted during the winter solstice? My hands freezing, my feet like blocks of ice, on the shortest day of the year I was about to turn back home after an early-morning foray to the Waterworks Reserve when a flash of fiery red caught my attention. There on the road ahead of me, the tarmacadam still sparkling with frost, stood the tiny figure of a scarlet robin. There was a time when the sight of a robin would not have been unusual, … [Read more...] about Moggie menace takes huge toll on birds
Swift parrot spreads its wings
Swift parrots are known to undertake the longest migration of any parrot worldwide but one bird has taken marathon flight to a new level. Instead of landing at the usual destination of Victoria or southern New South Wales after a flight from Tasmania, the long-distance parrot overshot the Australian mainland altogether last month and ended up on Lord Howe Island in the Tasman Sea. The single parrot landed on a chicken coop and its arrival was immediately brought to the … [Read more...] about Swift parrot spreads its wings